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Đề kiểm tra môn tiếng anh học kì I năm học 2017-2018 lớp 9

Đề kiểm tra môn tiếng anh học kì I năm học 2017-2018 lớp 9
Đề kiểm tra môn tiếng anh học kì I năm học 2017-2018 lớp 9

Đề kiểm tra môn tiếng anh học kì I năm học 2017-2018 lớp 9






 NĂM HỌC 2017 – 2018


Hệ 7 năm


Họ tên, chữ ký của người coi kiểm tra

- Giám thị số 1: …………………………..

- Giám thị số 2: ……………………………


Sè ph¸ch:


Ngày kiểm tra........tháng......năm 2017                  Số báo danh:………………..


Họ và tên học sinh:…………………………………………………………….

Sinh ngày………tháng………năm……..

Nơi sinh:…………………………………Nam (nữ)……..

Học sinh  lớp : ……….trường THCS…………………………………………………..

Chú ý:

- Học sinh phải ghi đầy đủ các mục ở phần trên theo sự hướng dẫn của giám thị

- Học sinh không được ký tên hay dùng bất cứ ký hiệu gì để đánh dấu bài kiểm tra (ngoài việc làm bài theo yêu cầu của đề kiểm tra)

- Bài kiểm tra không được viết bằng mực đỏ, bút chì, không được viết bằng hai thứ mực. Phần viết hỏng, ngoài cách dùng thước để gạch chéo, không được tẩy xoá bằng bất kỳ cách gì khác (kể cả bút xoá)

- Trái với các điều trên, bài làm của học sinh sẽ bị loại.




















Hệ 7 năm


Thời gian: 45 phút

 (Không kể thời gian giao đề)

                         Chú ý:   Đề kiểm tra này có 2 trang, từ trang 2 đến trang 3

    Học sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề kiểm tra này.


Điểm của toàn bài kiểm tra

Họ, tên, chữ ký

Số phách

(Do trưởng ban chấm ghi)




Bằng số

Bằng chữ

- Giám khảo số 1:


- Giám khảo số 2:




Part A: Listening (2 points)

I.Listen and write the numbers.



Older brothers

Younger brothers

Older sisters

Younger sisters






















II.Listen again. Circle the correct answer.

        1.Stephanie would like to have…………..

                   A.brothers                          B. sisters                               C. cousins

        2. Donna’s brother is a…………..

                   A. teacher                            B. student                             C. professor

         3. Bob’s sister…………..bosses him around.

                   A. never                              B. sometimes                         C. always

          4. Rosie’s friend would like to come from a ………….family.

A. smallB. bigC. medium- size

PART B: Language function : ( 2 points)

I.  Pronunciation: ( 0,5 points)       

1.  Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced different from the others:

A. name                         B. happy                       C. late                  D. date

2.  Choose the word that has different stress pattern from the rest:

A. design                     B. fashion                C. costly              D. campus

II. Vocabulary and grammar: ( 1,5 points)

 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences:            

1 .   …………you ………… from Mary recently?

        A. Has ….heard           B. have …heard .       C. did …heard          D. have… hear

2.  Flowers should ……………in warm places.

        A. be kept                            B. kept                      C.  be keeping        D.  be keep

3.  She asked me ……….I liked pop music .

         A.   if                           B .whether                  C. that                      D. A and B

4. The questions were very difficult, …….?

    A. weren’t they              B. did they                 C. were they                  D. didn’t they

5. If I saw a tiger walking across the park, I __________ up the tree.

A. will climb                     B. would climb            C. am climbing         D. climb

6. The math problem was____________ difficult for him_____________work out.

A. so / to                    B. too / that                    C. too / to                 D.   so / that                  PART C: Reading  ( 2 points)

 I. Read the passage and answer questions below(1point)

        Nowadays, football becomes one of the world’s most popular games. Millions of people play and watch it all around the world. A football match often has two parts. Each part is forty-five minutes .The first part is the first half and the second part is the second half. There is a fifteen-minute break between the two halves. There are two teams in a football match. Each football team has eleven players, including a goal-keeper. The players on the ground try to kick the ball into the other’s goal. The team which scores more goals wins the match.     


1. How many parts are there in a football match?


2. How long does each part last?


3. Is there a break  between the two halves?


4. What do the players on the ground do?


II. Read the passage, then decide if the statements are T(True), F(False):(1 point)

I live in Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt. There are more than ten million people here.

I live in an apartment near the city center. It is a busy, exciting place. It has cinemas and shops, but unfortunately there is a lot of traffic, too. Many touristscome from all over the world to see the Pyramids, which are near the city.

I like Cairo because it is big and exciting. I have a lot of friends and it is easy to meet new people. I am glad that I live here, but my mother doesn't like it. She used to live in the countryside, and she would like to go back one day.


….1. Cairo has less than ten million people

… .2. People go to Cairo because they want to see the Pyramids.

… .3. We can replace the word ‘tourists’ in line 3 with the word “visitors”.

…. 4.The author is living in the city but his mother is living in the countryside at the moment.

PART D: Writing ( 2 points)

I. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences: .(1point)

1. do / what /usually /you / on / weekend /wear/the?


2. haven’t / we/concert /been /the/years / to / two/ for.


3. didn’t/ morning/ go/ of/ school/ her/ Miss Alice / this/ because / sickness./ to.

    -> ………..………………………………………………………………………..

4.  house/ was/ this /five/ bought/ ago/ years .

    -> ………..………………………………………………………………..............

II. Complete the second sentence with the same meaning.(1point)

1. Minh last wrote to his pen pal five months ago.       

Minh hasn’t ........................................................................................................

2. The teacher asked him, “Do you know the answer ?”

The teacher..........................................................................................................

3. We started playing volleyball 2 months ago.

We have ………………………………………………………………………..

4. What a pity ! Ican speak Japanese.
 If only ………………………………………………………………………….


MÔN TIẾNG ANH 9 - Hệ 7 năm

NĂM HỌC 2017-2018

Part A: Listening (2 points)

I.Listen and write the numbers.



Older brothers

Younger brothers

Older sisters

Younger sisters



II.Listen again. Circle the correct answer.

        1. Stephanie would like to have…………..

A.brothers                         B. sisters                               C. cousins

        2. Donna’s brother is a…………..

                   A. teacher B. student                         C. professor

         3. Bob’s sister…………..bosses him around.

                   A. never                              B. sometimesC. always

          4. Rosie’s friend would like to come from a ………….family.

A. smallB. bigC. medium- size

PART B: Language function : ( 2 points)

I.  Pronunciation: ( 0,5 points)       

1.  Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced different from the others:

A. name                         B. happy                       C. late                  D. date

2.  Choose the word that has different stress pattern from the rest:

A. design                     B. fashion                C. costly              D. campus

II. Vocabulary and grammar: ( 1,5 points)

 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences:            

1 .   …………you ………… from Mary recently?

        A. Has ….heard           B. have …heard .       C. did …heard          D. have… hear

2.  Flowers should ……………in warm places.

        A. be kept                  B. kept                      C.  be keeping        D.  be keep

3.  She asked me ……….I liked pop music .

       A.  if                         B .whether                 C. that                      D. A and B

4. The questions were very difficult, …….?

A. weren’t they    B. did they C. were they         D. didn’t they

5. If I saw a tiger walking across the park, I __________ up the tree.

A. will climbB. would climb                         C. am climbing     D. climb

6. The math problem was____________ difficult for him_____________work out.

A. so / to                    B. too / that                C. too / to               D.   so / that                  PART C: Reading  ( 2 points)

 I. Read the passage and answer questions below(1point)

        Nowadays, football becomes one of the world’s most popular games. Millions of people play and watch it all around the world. A football match often has two parts. Each part is forty-five minutes .The first part is the first half and the second part is the second half. There is a fifteen-minute break between the two halves. There are two teams in a football match. Each football team has eleven players, including a goal-keeper. The players on the ground try to kick the ball into the other’s goal. The team which scores more goals wins the match.     



1. How many parts are there in a football match?

A football match often has two parts.

2. How long does each part last?

Each part is ( lasts )forty-five minutes.

3. Is there a break between the two halves?

     Yes, there is

4. What do the players on the ground do?

The players on the ground try to kick the ball into the other’s goal


II. Read the passage, then decide if the statements are T(True), F(False):(1 point)

I live in Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt. There are more than ten million people here.

I live in an apartment near the city center. It is a busy, exciting place. It has cinemas and shops, but unfortunately there is a lot of traffic, too. Many touristscome from all over the world to see the Pyramids, which are near the city.

I like Cairo because it is big and exciting. I have a lot of friends and it is easy to meet new people. I am glad that I live here, but my mother doesn't like it. She used to live in the countryside, and she would like to go back one day.


F….1. Cairo has less than ten million people

T… .2. People go to Cairo because they want to see the Pyramids.

 T .3. We can replace the word ‘tourists’ in line 3 with the word “visitors”.

   F. 4.The author is living in the city but his mother is living in the countryside at the moment.

PART D: Writing ( 2 points)

I. Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences: .(1point)

1. do / what /usually /you / on / weekend /wear/the?

-> What do you usually wear on the weekend ?

2. haven’t / we/concert /been /the/years / to / two/ for.

    ->We haven’t been to the concert for  two years .

3. didn’t/ morning/ go/ of/ school/ her/ Miss Alice / this/ because / sickness./ to.

    ->Miss Alice didn’t go to school this morning because of her sickness.

4.  house/ was/ this /five/ bought/ ago/ years .

->This house was bought  five years ago.


II. Complete the second sentence with the same meaning.(1point)

1. Minh last wrote to his pen pal five months ago.       

Minh hasn’t written to his pen pal for five months.

2. The teacher asked him, “Do you know the answer ?”

The teacherasked him if/whether he knew the answer.

3. We started playing volleyball 2 months ago.

We have played volleyball for 2 months.   

4. What a pity ! I can speak Japanese.
If only I could speak Japanese.



* Tape scipts:


A. Do you have any brothers and sisters,  Stephanie?

B. No brothers. I wish I did. But I’ve got three sisters.

A. Really!

B. Yeah. And I am the youngest.

A. Poor you!


A. Tell me about your family, Donna.

B. Well, I’ve got one brother. He is older than me.

A. What does he do?

B. He’s a student. And I’ve got two younger sisters.

A. Wow. You have a big family.


A. Do you have any brothers or sisters, Bob?

B. Just one- my sister, Anna.

A. Is she older than you?

B. Yes, she is.She always bosses me around!


A. Tell me about your family, Rosie.

B. Well, I come from quite a big family. I’ve got two brothers, both of them are younger than me.

A. Really. Do you have any sisters?

B. Yeah, I have one older and one younger sister.

A. You’re lucky.I wish I came from a big family.


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